Few months back I have posted something about MAAF, bila aku terlalu 'kedekut' untuk memberi kemaafan, hati aku terlalu hancur hinggakan merit untuk aku beri kemaafan tu ZERO! SIFAR! Yes, i'm angry, sakit hati, benci, dendam, semua terkumpul menjadi satu. Ambil masa untuk aku beri kemaafan. Bila tiba masa untuk dia layak untuk mendapat kemaafan, then aku maafkan. Me who will decide whether he deserves it or not. But suddenly, after me and coe had a long chat last night, then i realize, tiada guna kita marah, sakit hati, benci sebab tanpa kita sedari, perasaan tu memakan diri sendiri...menyusahkan diri sendiri...
I have been sick for the past few months, for more than a year, to be exact. Batuk, selesma, demam, sakit tekak...sekejap baik, then datang lagi...berlarutan sampai berbulan2. Sampaikan bermacam-macam sudah petua yang orang bagi. Jumpa doktor jangan cakaplah..memang aku ni pengunjung setia..sampai medical allowances exhausted sampai negative! fuhh....
but, after a long chat with azli last night, betul-betul buat aku berfikir...
He said, "mungkin ada unfinished business dengan sesiapa mungkin, pasal tu slalu sakit..cuba buka hati untuk memaafkan orang lain...sebab kita tidak sedar, sebenarnya itu yang menjadi beban di bahu...makan diri sendiri..sebab kita tidak merelakan kemaafan tu...bukan hak kita untuk "hold" maaf tu. itu hak Allah..kita manusia, selemah-lemah iman kita, kita mesti maafkan orang lain, baru hidup kita tenang. apa yang dia sudah buat sama kita, itu terpulang pada Allah untuk menentukan balasan yang setimpal untuk dia...kita redha saja...semua berlaku ada hikmah di sebaliknya....trust me..."
kata-kata dia tu buat aku berfikir. ada betulnya. mcm mana kalau betul? no harm done for forgiving someone right? ishtikharah...solat hajat...solat taubat...lapangkan hati...buang smua perasaan dendam dan benci...
Ya Allah...syukur alhamdulillah...kini aku sedar hikmah di sebalik semua kelukaan, kesedihan, kehancuran, Kau berikan aku yang lebih baik dan yang terbaik. Alhamdulillah....
Monday, June 20, 2011
Peluang kedua....
Posted by Izah Ize' at 4:47 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 17, 2011
seriously, i'm unwell :(
Ok, i'm unwell. Its not good. Seriously! I'm not comfortable of having a liquid things running out from my nose. Mata berair...hidung berair...i keep sneezing from last night...i'm not well....please take this away from me..
but when i look at the bright side, there are a few good things happened when i'm not well (I don't want to use word "sick", just 'not well")
1. I can reduce my consumption on electricity - i didn't turned on my aircond since yesterday :)
2. I can reduce my consumption on water - i was advised by "Dr. Azli" (ketawa gulik-gulik kali dia baca ni) supaya jangan mandi malam....nasihat dia, jgn mandi malam...karang masuk air kunun paru-paru...*mengkali* hahahahahha!!
3. When i keep sneezing, aku secara automatik will say "alhamdulillah" which is a ver good thing. berzikir juga aku sepanjang hari. syukur...
4. kawan cakap, klu kita sakit, thats mean, Allah ingat dengan kita..thats why Dia bagi kita sakit supaya kita sentiasa ingat Allah. Syukur alhamdulillah...
5. Bila sakit, aku turut menyumbang kepada ekonomi negara, bagi pendapatan sama Doktor..jururawat..my medical coverage mcm mau habis suda ni..terpaksa pi klinik government suda lepas ni...syukur, alhamdulillah...
6. bila sakit, aku prefer stay di rumah. layan TV, layan DVD, layan internet, twitter dan yg berkaitan. Ini aktiviti yg sangat menjimatkan..hohoho!
7. normally when i'm sick, selera makan pun kurang sebab tdk dpt rasa makanan. Kasihan...so, jimat juga, tdk payah makan dan boleh lose weight! kahkahkah!
Bah...i need sleep. ubat batuk dan selesma buat aku drowsy!!
p/s: thanks "doctor". Love u to bits!
Posted by Izah Ize' at 3:26 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 16, 2011
yeaaa!! tomorrow is friday. well, i really looking forward to Friday. Who doesn't love Friday right?? hehehehe. i have so much things to do this weekend. We going to have Kaamatan Celebration here in Unirazak, i will be one of the judges of Unduk Ngadau. Inilah first time aku jadi judge unduk ngadau..hehehe! well, there is always a-first-time moment for everything kan?? after that function, me and coe will go viewing some houses (again!). we were doing this for so long already. but, still, we have not meet the right house yet. just not yet. but we'll keep looking, like what i said to him.."slowly, take it easy...ada juga tu nanti.." *finger crossed* so, anyone, who have house for sale, just let me know.
ok, i have 20 minutes more before my class starts. apa lagi aaa?? oh ya...congratulations to my bestfriend..Rina, who recently gave birth to the cutest baby boy in the world!! Shaheem Reza! what a cool name. We will going to visit her and the baby this weekend. ramai kawan-kawan beranak bulan jun ni. ohh..not forgetting, to my future sister in-law yg tinggal tunggu hari lagi. kakak doakan smua selamat..aminnn.....
ok..thats all! i'm really have mood to write something now, tapi my students are waiting :p heheheh!!
p/s: sebelum cakap pasal org lain, tgok diri sendiri dulu, ngam kah tidak...heheheh! enjoy your thursday night everyone!
Posted by Izah Ize' at 4:27 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
i'm not sick. just a bit unwell :(
Senarai penyakit c Izah pada bulan Jun...
- sakit tekak
- severe sinus
- sakit kepala
- sakit gigi
- malas mandi
- malas berfikir
- malas mau cari gaduh
- malas bangun pagi
- malas masak
- malas cuci kain
- malas cuci kereta (mcm dr bulan january lg kereta ku maintain color oren cmpur cokelat)
- malas mau jadi insan peramah
- malas lipat selimut
- malas lipat kain (smua pun main sangkut sja)
- malas wipe off mekap (terus tidur..)
- tiba-tiba aku rajin pi family recreation centre (join c ariff naik Doraemon, bus mini..etc)
- aku suda malas baca buku. (i have 4 novels yg belum kna baca..)
- tiba-tiba aku rajin baca buku resipi, tapi nda juga pandai2 memasak..
- suddenly aku pandai meninguk cerita Raja Lawak...pandai ketawa-ketawa lagi tu...
- suddenly, i dont feel like to watch How i met your mother. (susah mau berebut channel sbnrnya..)
byk sebenarnya penyakit baru aku yg timbul semenjak dua menjak ni...i still want to figure out why? who caused it? when exactly its started to happen.....
p/s: if u have 2 seperate FB account, can u please do not "friend" ur own other account?? its will blow everything up... (tiada kaitan kan..but i still want to write it down...heheheheh)
Posted by Izah Ize' at 4:31 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
A: Sampai Bila? B: Sampai tiada........
A: Kenapa?
B: Nothing, saja tertanya-tanya...
A: Kenapa tertanya-tanya?
B: Entah, runsing kali...
A: Kenapa mesti runsing?
B: Mungkin ada rasa takut....
A: Takut? Why should you?
B: Nothing, just maybe....terlalu banyak kemungkinan
A: Jadi, macam mana? teruskan?
B: I don't know...how about you?
A: Aku mau teruskan...I want to see the ending of this story....
B: Ok, kita teruskan...I want to see the ending of this story too...
A: Sampai bila....?
B: Sampai tiada........
-- Thats how it goes. Our conversation is simple. its just a matter of understand each other. we both have the same goal. We want to see the ending of this story. You don't get it do you? but that's us. thats how we communicate. Only him and me can understand :) Like what he said "Simple make things beautiful..."
Posted by Izah Ize' at 4:07 PM 0 comments