Friday, March 9, 2012

Wanita Mahkota di Hati

Ok, I'm in the mood to blog. To be honest, my whole week is a mess. I'm emotionally, physically affected by so many things. Mana lagi, paip tangki pecah, sampai tdk dpt diselamatkan lagi. Mana lagi, rumah banjir, sbb air melimpah dari tangki, mana lagi paip sinki yang tidak boleh kena tutup. Actually, aku penat. Mental, emosi, fizikal, semua penat. I wish i owned a magic wand, so I can change everything I want. Whatever I want things to be....

Dalam kesedihan dan kepenatan, I still managed to smile and I know to put a wall between happy and sadness :( Hipokrit?? Tidak, Aku cuma mahu relaks. Pray for things to get better and gone. Itu saja...

Yesterday is the Women's Day. Yay! *happy yay* :D. Dalam aku stress-stress, I received one SMS from someone, You are as sweet inside as out, hope your day is as sweet as you are. Happy Women's Day. (Are you sure you aren't made of candy):D , Seriously, this sms really make my day. hehe. Thanks my dear friend.

Being a woman make me realize how lucky i am. there are so many things that women can do while man can't. I feel so lucky to have swinging mood in some days of every month. Manusia biasa, tidak lari dari melakukan kesilapan, tidak lari dari berkata-kata pasal perkara di luar jangkaan. Agama mengatakan, wanita merupakan makhluk yang perlu bimbingan....bukan ditinggalkan tanpa kata-kata.

okay...i'm getting emotional...its ok, i'm stronger than rock. I can handle this tiny problem myself. Hey, I faced things worst than this remember?? heheheh...Thats the beauty of me. wahahaha!!

So, Happy women's Day to all women. Have a great year!! You can do almost anything your mind to… You can swim the deepest ocean and climb the highest peak… Be a doctor or fly a plane… You can face adversity and still walk tall. You are strong, beautiful, compassionate and much more than words could ever say! Today is yours and so is every other day… Happy Women’s Day!