Thursday, February 20, 2014

Hello, February!

Holaaa!! Ok, I know. This is my first entry for this year or maybe the only post for this 2104. Like last year. hehehe!! I just realize that there is only ONE post I made last year. Seriously, I need more than 24 hours a day! Urgghhh!! Last year been very busy for me. Was assigned for new post, bla..bla...bla..this and that...and I never realized how time flies sooooo fast. So many things to settle and so many things to plan. And we finally moved to our house, err our home. yes, finally....a big relief to both of us. Syukur, alhamdulillah. Oh, I gained weight, like seriously gained! hehehe! No joke! I like to use this words when "Some" people say.."Gemuk suda ko..." well, when most people say that thin is beautiful, I prefer to eat ice cream with my son, to have dinner with my husband, to eat and drink and have fun with my friends and that is what I called LIFE. and plus healthy, of course. When I said dinner, and its a real full course dinner. with appetizer, main course (I mean with meat, veggie and side dishes, LOL) and dessert. heaven :) We have one small notice board in our kitchen and it display "Today's special" heheheh! Oh! and I will start my baking class end of this week. hehehe! Can't wait to heat my oven with fluffy and delicious cakes (harap-haraplah) I will update you on that. See ya! xoxo, Izah