Ok, its 12.11 am. I have just finished mandi, and packed everything in my super duper little hand carry bag. Hehehe..first time datang KL bawa beg kecil. And of course, I have to control myself of not doing a heavy shopping..muahahaha..well, fyi, this is my shortest trip to KL. Satu mlm sahaja. my last trip to kl was in July, before puasa. now, dtg lg balik for a one day training at Petaling Jaya, in our main campus. 10 of us were selected to this training. We stayed in Prescott Hotel, very near to SOGO and monorail station. Eventhough this is my shortest trip but I managed to go to SOGO (ni mmg wajib ni), KLCC, Bukit Bintang, Lot 10 (menyesal pi sini..heheh), Sungei Wang...and Ampang Point..hehhe...memang cover habis. I planned to go to Pavillion tapi.....janganlah...(mengelak diri daripada Coach..hehehe).
So, i want to talk about dinner. My bestfriend brought me to BoraOmbak. The place is very beautiful....damn beautiful...honestly, its romantic...cozy...except for the live band though...no offense but, i dont like the live band. Klu tempat tu tidak ramai org dtg, salahkan live band dia..hehehe! anyway, my first impression to this restoran is..superb...mcm ala-ala bali...hehehe...*teringin mau pi Bali for honeymoon* its so romantic. we were headed to a gazebo, very nice gazebo with white curtain, cozy cushion. I should have take picture of that place, but my camera gone flat...damn! i managed to take a few picture though...
I have so much story to tell but i'm very sleepy and tired. I have to wake up early tomorrow, catching ERL to Petaling jaya....seriously, aku susah hati memikirkan aku terpaksa berlari-lari dgn kasut tinggi tu....ok lah...need to shut down now...sleeppyyy.....good night everyone....zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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