Tuesday, July 12, 2011

my crush! :D

Ok, this is weird. hehe..i found picture of us many years ago. I should say 14 years ago. Thats is really long time ago. Hahaha! Such a sweet memories. Well, mestilah sweet bila tngok size kami waktu tu. nearly 1/3 dari apa yg ada sekarang. Hahaha! So good to reminisce those time when we were young and happy. We laughed and laughed about it. Well, i'm happy to be with him. i'm glad that i found him. Thank you Allah for giving me chances to love him more. Actually, ada a few lagi gmbar lama kami tp terlalu buruknya la bah muka masa tu. hahaha....well, ini yg aku rasa ok siiiikitttt...hmmm...i wonder whats was inside those bag. mcm byk saja barang2 di dalam. hahaha! when we found this picture, we were asking to each other this question "what went wrong that time?" ---- senang saja kesimpulan yg kami buat....takdir yg menentukan..yeahhh...think positive bah...hehehe...

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