Monday, July 4, 2011

My weekends!

Ok, i never been to any keramaian-keramaian such as Jom Heboh, tamu besar, or anything yang melibatkan perkara-perkara yg ramai-ramai. Well, I'm not really keen to be in the place with crowded people, shopping complex pun aku maaaalasss sangat mau berkunjung. I go to that kind of place bila perlu, when i want to buy something, when i need a new pair of shoes, shoes, shoes again..hahaha! *seriously* Well, i am serious!! hahaha!

So, last two weekends, IN A ROW, (please...). i was dragged to Jom Heboh. (Yaaa, tell me about it!!). Well, I love him if not, tidaklah aku sanggup bersesak-sesak, parking jauh-jauh, pening-pening menahan bau badan orang..adeehhhh. Opppsss, I missed out a little detail, we were there for two days!! First day, tgok-tgok orang bejualan kunun, tapi yg bejual mcm tdk sampai 10 gerai. then, on the second day, we were there for the concert. Even though, we only can see the screen, we were at the veryyyyyy back of the crowd. Aku dengar org belakang aku becakap, "baik lagi tani meliat tv d rumah..." okeeeyyy....I second that..huhuhu..penat lagi tu masa tu, kami direct from Ranau to kk, tidak makan, tidak minum, terus pi konsert. hmmmm....aku ni insan penyabar....

then, last weekend, i was at Pesta Gata, Sipitang with my man his little boy..itupun, actually, mcm terpaksa rela..hahhahah!!! sorry, darling. We visited the lansaran, walaupun aku ragu2 dengan ketahanan kayu2 yang dorang pakai untuk gagau-gagau..hehehe..but thank God, i survived. hehehe! But, honestly, it was fun, really fun!

Secara jujurnya, its not really about the occasion but the most happiest thing is bila bersama-sama dengan orang tersayang. That will make me happy the most!

Bah...its raining here in KK...sangat lebat. Okay, i got new template for my blog. FYI, that is definitely not my legs. hahahaha! mine are prettier...heheheh...